While our church is campus focused, we have a community of post-grads and Muncie locals who are committed to following the Lord through our many different and shared seasons of life. We seek to foster a community of support for those at any stage of life after college.
Whether you're a young professional, looking for jobs, single or married, or not sure where "home" is for you currently, we are committed to making space for you to stay connected and be with people in your similar season. Our community also has regular opportunities to meet and engage with students on campus including our Sunday service, yearly retreats, and discipleship programs like Rooted. We see a lot of value in the connections and friendships between people of different generations for both our students and community.
For families and married couples — we see the strength in people who open their homes and schedules to share "life on the other side of graduation" with students who will arrive there soon. Sharing meals together, watching each others kids, encouraging each other to build healthy marriages — it's beautiful stuff and we love seeing it happen among us.
If you want more information, please contact Jeff and Andrea Eads.